Thursday, January 1, 2015


The research design serves as a master plan of the methods and procedures for the researcher to collect and analyse the data required by the researcher. Determining the most suitable research design is a function of research objectives and the specific requirements of the research. In this master plan, the researcher must consider the type of data required, the design technique (survey, observation, experiment, and case study), the sampling methodology and procedures, the schedule and the budget.

Different research may require different types of research design. The common type of research design is:

Ø  Qualitative research

Ø  Quantitative research

Ø  Sampling tools


Qualitative Research:

Qualitative Researchon the other hand generates non-numerical data. The primary aim of a qualitative research is to provide a complete, detailed description of the research topic. It is usually more exploratory in nature. Qualitative research are individual interviews, structured and non-structured interviews, documentary analysis and archival research.


Quantitative Research:

Quantitative Research generates numerical data or information that can be converted into numbers. It is on the other hand focuses more in counting and classifying features and constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. It makes use of tools such as questionnaires, surveys, measurements and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable data.

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